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Severely obese individuals often face difficulties to achieve weight loss with their dietary efforts, less than 3% to reach sustained success. Most regain the undesired pounds within a few months of shedding them off initially.
Many today are turning to surgery as a more successful alternative
for long-term weight loss. Surgery is not ideal for everyone, but when
performed in the right situation, can dramatically improve your life. We
are here to help you make the best choices for you as an individual.
In order to qualify for weight loss surgery, patients must first meet
certain minimum weight criteria. The degree to which you might be
overweight is often expressed by determining your body mass index (BMI).
Your BMI is calculated by taking a ratio of your height to your weight.
In general, patients may consider surgery if their BMI is greater than
40 or greater than 35 if they have certain life altering illnesses
related to their weight.
Click here to calculate your BMI
Having a BMI greater than 40 is called morbid obesity. This means that your weight is likely to cause (or may have already caused) significant health related problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, sleep apnea and increased cancer risk. On average, this degree of being overweight can significantly shorten your expected life span and complicate any future medical conditions you acquire. We at CSA would like to help you achieve your goal of weight loss. With successful weight loss, our patients feel dramatically better about themselves and frequently are able to reduce or eliminate many of the medications they take to combat their current weight-related medical conditions.
Our information seminar can help you understand how to take back
control in your life. Surgery is offered to prevent, improve, or even
resolve these weight-related illnesses. Weight loss surgery is therefore
considered medically necessary (not cosmetic) and is usually covered by
insurance plans. You should check with your individual plan to see if
you have such benefits. Your present weight is only partly guided by the
food that you eat. Other major factors important in determining your
weight include genetic, personal, and environmental factors. Often, the
only factors under your direct control include your food intake and the
amount of exercise you get. Your behavior toward food is a very
important aspect in determining the amounts and type of food you eat,
and a full behavioral evaluation is a necessary component of this
program and your ultimate success. The most successful and sustained
weight loss efforts will happen for those who not only have the surgery,
but change many aspects of their behavior.
IMPORTANT: not everyone will be an appropriate candidate for this procedure and therefore not everyone will be approved. If you are interested in becoming a candidate for this procedure, you must begin by watching our information seminar. If you remain interested, you may then proceed on. Most insurance plans will require a referral through your primary care doctor. You can find out whether you need a referral by calling your insurance carrier or primary care doctor. Be aware that you must be evaluated by all the members of our group which include a behavioral psychologist, a medical internist (your present medical doctor), a cardiologist, a pulmonary specialist, a nutritionist, and then finally a surgeon. We encourage you to educate yourself as much as possible about weight loss surgery so that you will be aware of all the possible risks and benefits of this life changing operation. This whole process may take many months.
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